Bernard’s Security provides locksmith services and sales/service of security equipment to commercial, residential, and automotive customers in Moncton and surrounding areas.

About Bernard's
Our Vision
Our staff strives to provide the finest services available. We are committed to solving the unique problems facing each of our customer’s concerns and needs. We would like to have the opportunity to assist your family and business in accomplishing all your security objectives. We welcome the opportunity to work with you on your next project!
The goal of Bernard’s Security Access is to offer a full range of lock and door hardware, including commercial, residential, and automotive and specialty products. We provide complete sales and services to markets in Moncton and surrounding regions.
Our History
We are committed to servicing the needs of all our customers through confidential personalized relations. Ongoing training is taken to keep our technical and business staff up-to-date with the latest in product development and innovation in all your security needs.
We would like to thank all of our loyal customers for the 50 years of success and we look forward to many more!
We have two highly-trained technicians in the workshop, and two operating on the road with fully-equipped service vehicles.
“We would like to thank all of our loyal customers for the 50 years of success and we look forward to many more!”